Religious School

>> TAY Religious School Registration Form <<
Registration available to members of Temple Adath Yeshurun

SuccotRabbiWelcome to our Religious School

At Temple Adath Yeshurun, we are committed to providing a nurturing educational experience that builds a strong community where your children can learn, grow, and develop a strong Jewish identity. Our religious school offers:

Interactive Learning: Our dynamic curriculum engages students of all abilities through hands-on activities, discussions, and community-wide activities. From Hebrew language instruction to exploring Jewish history and traditions, we make learning fun and meaningful.

Experienced Educators: Our committed teachers are passionate about Jewish education and are experienced in Hebrew, Jewish culture and traditions. They provide personalized attention to your child to allow them to reach their full potential.

Building Connections: In addition to traditional learning, our religious school creates opportunities for students to connect with peers and the broader Jewish community. Students participate in services, holiday celebrations, Tikun Olam, and special events that strengthen their Jewish identities and help them forge lifelong meaningful relationships. We empower our students to make positive contributions to society and live out Jewish values in their daily lives.

TAY’s religious school meets on Sundays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, starting on September 15.

Inclement Weather Policy: When Manchester Schools Close for weather, TAY’s Religious school will close. Please listen to WMUR or WZID for up to date cancellations. Parents will be notified by e-mail when school is cancelled. You can also call the office 603-669-5650 during inclement weather to see if we are open.