When TAY is fortunate enough to gain a new member, I send a note, welcoming them to the TAY family. I really do envision us as a large, extended family united by common history, common experiences, and common beliefs and dreams.
We aren’t a family linked by blood ties, but we are a family linked by choice, and that can be an incredible blessing. How many of us have ever wondered how we ended up being related to ―so and so,‖ or why we have to be nice to Great Aunt Sallie? No such challenges at TAY — we know that we are connected because we have chosen to be so.
This doesn’t mean that we always have to agree. ;s is the case in any family system, dynamics are what they are, and everyone is entitled to his/her point of view. I suspect that at TAY there are close to 300 per-spectives on ―if God is, ―who God is and ―how God operates. There are probably the same number of ideas about what constitutes living an active Jewish life, what our con-gregational priorities should be, and what wecould do better.
These are big issues indeed, and discussions can sometimes be heated. But I hope that at TAY we can agree to disagree if necessary, and that each and every one of us has the best interests of Temple Adath Yeshuran at heart.
Our TAY family is one of hope and faith, and our ties both connect and support us. And as is the case in any family, we also have familial respon-sibilities. Yes, we share the financial commitments necessary to keep this family solvent, and in difficult eco-nomic times this commitment can be a challenge.
This is why I hope that many of us are participating in the Hannaford’s Gift card program. This is an EASY way to help TAY. All Jewish holi-days either feature food, or the lack thereof, so why not support TAY each time we shop, enabling the money that we are already spending to help TAY?
We have other responsibilities as well, and this month I am asking each of you to take a moment and consider if you have the interest, and the time, to engage in some other TAY family activities. Like the food cards, the book sale program should be another relatively easy way to support the congregation, but we can only sell books that have been listed in our on-line store. Marty Warshaw would be THRILLED to show others how to list the books for sale, so if you have a few hours a week, or each month, please consider giving some of them to TAY.
We have several members of our family who can no longer drive, but who would love to be able to attend services. If you are willing and able to drive someone, please let me know at rabbidavidsontay@comcast.net, or by calling the office at 603-669-5650. It would truly be a mitzvah if we could insure that all who want to worship in community are able to do so.
We are also looking to create a cadre of folks who would be willing and able to lead a Friday Evening Shabbat Service or a minyan at a house of mourning. It really isn’t hard. Please consider accepting the invitation in this month’s Bulletin from our Ritual Chair Bruce Berk.
I have a list of other opportunities for involvement, so if nothing I have men-tioned this month, or that Jet previ-ously mentioned strikes your fancy, give me a call. We can find a place for your talents and interests.
Our family is only as strong, as enthu-siastic, and as active as its members help make it .Please consider giving TAY a little more of your hearts, hands, minds and TIME