Our Leadership

Executive Officers and Board of Directors  2024-2025

The Temple Board of Directors meet monthly (exclusive of July and August).  Meeting dates are included on the on-line Temple Calendar. Temple members are welcome at any meeting. We would ask, however, that you let us know in advance if there is an item you would like to discuss so we can plan the Agenda accordingly. If you are interested in serving on the Temple Board or on a Committee, please contact the office or any member of the Board of Directors. We would love your involvement!

Click on link to view existing Temple Adath Yeshurun By-Laws


Eric Ratinoff President
Robert Katchen 1st Vice President / Nominating Chair/House
Michael Litvin 2nd Vice President
Norm Kushner Treasurer / Finance Chair
Elda Cordero-Goodman Assistant Treasurer / Dues Adjustment/Ritual Chair
Jake Berry Secretary/Immediate Past President


Tessa Kurman Ali
Marilyn Cavanaugh Life Long Learning Chair
Beth D. Davidson Rabbi
Nancy Frankel Social Action & House Chair
Kelly Ruback Religious School Chair
Mark Granoff Brotherhood President
Pat Kalik Youth Chair
Pat Kalik & Marilyn Cavanaugh Membership Committee
Dot Warshaw Cemetery Chair
Todd Kramer
Jake Berry Personnel Chair
Gail Ellis & Linda Rockenmacher Sisterhood Co-Presidents
TBD MANTY President

Cemetery Committee
Finance Committee
House Committee
Membership Committee
Life Long Learning Committee
Nominating Committee
Personnel Committee
Religious School Committee
Ritual Committee
Social Action Committee
Technology Committee